pexels-photo-2072583Standard Program: $599 Extended Program: $899 One of Session 60-90min cost: $299

The secret to achieving your goals is to create habits around them.  

Goal setting and changing our behaviour is not easy. Making small achievable goals that fit into your daily life allows you to turn your goals into reality. We need to find strategies and develop habits to help us stick to our goals long term. Habits are a very effective way to take action. Start by making small changes that do not require too much motivation or effort to complete but can make a big impact on your life. Small goals are more attainable. A small habit that is simple and easy to do daily, that does not require too much motivation to achieve and can easily become part of persons daily routine and are easier for us to turn into habits that can small snowball to support us to achieve and to build up to a larger goal habit. Once you get started on a new positive habit or pattern it changes the neural pathways in your brain to keep you going. Creating habits help you reach the desired goals you want. Habits are actions that are triggered automatically. Habits are effective because the automation of common actions if we do these things automatically, we don’t have time to procrastinate. The more systems you establish for daily processes, such as cleaning, exercise, goal setting, mental exercise the more your mental health will benefit. To get started it can be as simple as using cues of visual reminders such as post-it notes to remind yourself to do a new morning routine. Try self-hypnosis to suggest moving and stopping procrastination. Studies have shown by making it a habit to think and visualize your goals in as much detail as possible and when doing this engaging all your senses, feel the feeling of what you will feel once you have achieved your desires will support you to achieve them in reality. Examples of habits that can support you to commit to action achieving goals are:
  • Visualising your goal and purpose, what you want for the future daily
  • Writing a gratitude list daily to put you in a positive mindset that makes you more likely to take action
  • Write down your goals daily
  • Every day say Positive affirmations to support your goal
  • Short walks daily visualising your goals
  • Listening to motivational audio, such as a self-hypnosis