photo of woman laying on petals We combine Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Positive Psychology tools, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and other sciences backed techniques to help you overcome anxiety and manage stress. Things science is showing can improve our mood and relieve anxiety and lead to improved wellbeing are the following:
  • Cultivating an attitude of gratitude, “counting your blessings”
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Savouring the moment
  • Goals – finding meaning by having a purpose in life
  • Exercise makes us feel good
  • Resilience
  • Kindness, acts of kindness promote happiness
  • Positive relationships and connections with friends and family
  • Good sleep
  • Nutrition & healthy gut
  • Deliberate breathing, breathing slowly and fully down to our bellies
  • Positive emotions and optimism
  • Flow
  • Character strengths
  • Growth mindset
The things science has proven that will improve our well-being are the things that come from within ourselves. It is not enough to know these things we all need to practice and make them part of our daily habits. We can support you to apply these things into your life, either with one on one coaching, hypnotherapy, and counselling. Learn how you can apply the scientific findings to increase your wellbeing and emotional health. Our methods are derived from current research in psychology and neuroscience. Develop techniques to stop your negative thinking that undermines your resilience and optimism. Negative thinking depletes us, learn to develop the tools to challenge negative thoughts and emotions. Scientific findings show that having motivation and commitment to take control of your wellbeing is a crucial part of achieving your goals and increasing your happiness. Research suggests that 40% of happiness is determined by intentional activities. Benefits of positive emotions:
  • Live longer
  • Better mental & physical health
  • Improved performance
  • Increased creativity
  • Greater persistence
  • Less procrastination
  • Confidence
  • Vitality
  • Higher self-esteem
  Keys for Management Anxiety  The following strategies are backed by sciences and will improve your well-being and quality of life and support you to manage stress and anxiety, be more resilient and overall develop a flourishing life. When you are feeling anxious or stressed or depressed the following simple strategies you can do to raise your spirits, manage stress and relieve anxiety. To make a positive change it can take time and we need to take small steps. The following steps will lead you in the right direction to start making change. It is great to have a big goal however it is very rare for a depressed or anxious person to instantly become positive and happy overnight. Transformation to change is not an easy thing, it requires hard work and effort and repetition. So don’t expect instant happiness but putting in place these things will lift your mood, relieve anxiety, and make you feel good. Purpose Having goals and a purpose in life. When we link our goals with the things we value, the things we care about and know will make you feel good. Your purpose are those things you want to achieve not what you think you should achieve or what you think another thing you should be doing? Connections Social networks are a big contributor to wellbeing and feeling good.  Start by working on the connections you do have. Connecting with people takes the attention of yourself and bring it outside ourselves. Emotions are contagious and can spreads through social networks just like viruses do. Connecting to positive people and people who have similar interests will help you be more positive and happier. Kindness Random acts of kindness, simply helping other people will make you feel good. They do not even have to know about it for you to get the positive effects. Helping others takes our attention off ourselves. Doing random acts of kindness is a very powerful way to make you feel connected to others and to lift your mood.  Just thought I need to mention it does not count as an act of kindness if you expect something back in return. Mindfulness & Meditation When we talk about mindfulness many people think of a Buddhist monk chanting and automatically think, this is not for me. Mindfulness is about being present and grounded and excepting life without judgment. It is easy said than done. Just start by trying to be present “in the moment” and savoring the small things around you that give you pleasure and joy. Strengths & Solutions Focusing on the solution and your strengths rather than focusing on the problem and the possible things that could go wrong. Spend some time to think about what your strengths are. Work out the steps for how you can get to where you want to be rather than focusing on the barriers. Try not to allow yourself to listen to the negative self-talk that loops around your mind. Gratitude When things are not going as we wish one of the most effective way to change our mood and lift our spirts is to focus on gratitude and the little things that bring us pleasure and joy. When your grandmother said “find the silver lining” she was not wrong, it turns out to be backed by science. Expressing gratitude and appreciating the good things we have in our life will really improve our wellbeing. Forgiveness Writing a forgiveness letter. This is not an easy thing to do but the harder we find it the more we will benefit from doing this activity. Expressing the forgiveness. By taking the negative things we feel outside of ourselves, so we can get a better perspective and understanding freeing ourselves from the resentment and pain that we could be hanging on to. The letter can support the release of negative emotions and feelings and help us to let go and move on. Exercise Exercise is nature’s anti-anxiety remedy and one of the quickest ways to improve your mood. Exercise will clear your mind, release endorphins, and helping you sleep better. Researchers have found that those who exercise regularly were less likely to develop anxiety and depression. Diet Eating a healthy diet will make you feel better both physically and mentally. Try to eat a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and other healthy high fiber foods. Avoid sugary and processed foods.  Tapping Tapping is a powerful tool. Tapping is a therapy that helps you let go and release emotions or habits that do not serve you. Studies have shown that tapping reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 24%. It is very simple and you just use your fingers to tap on points on your face and body. These points are traditional Chinese acupuncture that are energy pathways or called meridians that run through your body. Tapping while thinking about the craving makes it possible to release the craving. Tapping is an effective method that will relieve cravings for junk food or smoking. Tapping is effective for relieving stress and anxiety and any other unproductive emotions such as anger or guilt. The relaxation technique can become a ritual and a daily habit to help get a feeling of positivity and calm in your life. Tapping calm down the nervous system, balances hormone levels. Benefits:
  • Sleep better
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Manage stress
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Stop the unwanted and unproductive negative thoughts
  • Support letting go of bad habits and addictions